Is anxiety causing you to stress during exams? Learn how counseling can get you through.

3 min readMay 15, 2021

Anxiety is defined as the feeling of worry or fear in a range of different situations. It affects the student’s mental health because when students feel anxious every day, they don’t remember when they felt relaxed. Counseling on anxiety can help you explore the causes of these feelings. Counselors help you understand the anxiety and suggest ways to deal with the situation.

Counseling on depression can teach you how to cope with anxiety.

Cause of Anxiety

Anxiety arose from our ‘flight or fight response. It occurs when we feel that our body is in danger. The body’s fight or flight response is an automatic reaction where humans have no control over it. The human body releases adrenaline to make us more alert.

When the threat has gone, the body releases chemicals that help us to relax. However, with anxiety- the fight or flight response doesn’t occur.

With the onset of the academic year, examination stress seems to be on the children’s minds. Not only students taking the high schools or boards but younger students also, albeit in smaller numbers, report absence of concentration, low confidence, nervousness, and even depression.

The students think that there is danger, but there’s not. And that’s when the students become anxious, finally requiring counseling on stress.

Different students get stressed about different things. For example, some might worry that they have not done well, that it is the end of the road for them, or that they might not be able to enter their dream course or college.

Talking to a counselor about anxiety can help the students understand what particular situations or stressors are causing them anxiety.

Parental pressure is also the cause of anxiety where students are forced to choose study options in which they have no interest. The study, scheduled tuitions, and frequent tests leave them unfocused and stressed.

How counseling on anxiety can help students

Counselors help the students explore what they are going through and why they feel as they do. The helps the students finding ways to overcome their anxiety that would work great for them.

The counselors start by looking at the student’s mental psyche. What is the root cause of the fears? Are there any underlying issues that need to be resolved, or is there anything that is triggering anxiety?

Counseling on stress helps in exploring the unhelpful thinking patterns that you might be having. Counselors look for various ways and techniques which would work best for students. They would teach them different mindfulness or breathing techniques, enabling them to lose the stress while preparing for the exam.

Counselors are teachers too, and hence they can help the students to draw upon their experience. They can help them with memory techniques, time management, or even specific subjects.




Full-time Counselor with FairGaze